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Set outcomes, not resolutions


There is nothing wrong with New Year's resolutions. Giving up smoking - great. Give up alcohol - fine. Exercise every day - well done you.

But don't start beating yourself up if things don't go to plan for a day.

Don't think you are a failure just because you miss one day of exercise.

Why not focus on an outcome rather than a resolution?

For example, an outcome for me would be to keep my blood sugars in range 75% of the time (as a type 1 diabetic, this is really important). I then align my daily rituals and habits with my outcome. I avoid the all-or-nothing mindset, which could lead to negative thoughts if I were to 'miss' a day.

Make your outcome something that really excites you.

Something that will give you the motivation to make choices that will support that outcome. It could be anything. Your outcome could be related to health, career, exercise - whatever. It just needs to light a fire in you that makes you want to achieve it.

What will your outcome be?

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