How many meals can you eat without any distractions?
The problem with eating with distractions is that we miss signals that tell us we are feeling full.
There you are watching television, or working away at your computer when...
You suddenly look down and realise that your plate is empty and wonder where did that food go?
When this happens, you miss out on feeling satisfied, or feeling like you enjoyed the meal, which can lead to more hunger cues from the body.
You tend to eat more quickly when you are distracted, which stops the body from having the time to release the hormones that tell you you are naturally full.
So here is my challenge; see how many meals you can have in the next 7 days where you have no distractions - no tv, no radio, no podcasts and no scrolling through your phone.
See how quickly you notice the benefits of eating without distraction. Notice how the food tastes and the different textures that there are in your meal. Reconnect with family members as you sit around and discuss the day, rather than all sitting staring at a screen.